Sunday, March 11, 2007
Hello Jimmy and loretta, Id love to say the web site looks good but it's hard to look at, But in all you guys did a good job, Sorry i couldnt be there today, Ive been to jail twice already and if I violate 1 more time Im looking at a year in prison. I should be back in the neiborhood in about a month I bought the house back,Iliana asked about you the other day, It's funny how she remembers names but she asked why we havent been to Lorettas house in a while, She's still too young to understand the whole restraining order thing u know.How's Chris and MAtt doing? I havent seen them in a while, it's funny I saw Chris with Charles's little brother Joey 1 day and I said to myself theres Charles and Jimmy 10 years ago lol.But I dont wanna make this long I now you guys are reading a ton of these today, Just know you gusy are always family to me and I love and miss you guys, Again Im sorry I couldnt be there for you guys today.. See you guys soon, hopefully sooner then later, Love you guys.Steve Ross